Stricking by its expressiveness and its visual force, Bataille offers, in a fluid sequence of scenes, very liberal reinterpretations of « The battle of San Romano », famous painting of Paolo Ucello. This appropriation-transformation is caried out together by the choreographs Delagado Fuchs and the ceramists Clédat & Petitpierre.
The visual and symbolic fragments extracted from the pictorial piece find themselves here hapilly combined: the suits of armour answer to the mass of vegetation, whereas the stoic spears underline the mouvements of the bodies with supleness. The stage becomes the battle ground where the motionless mass and the bodies in mouvement unfold their rituals of struggle and seduction, in a disorientating metalic clinking. With its exposed bodies, fragmented or camouflaged, Bataille revisits the knightly parade, hunting down the underbelly of war, between pathos and heroism.
Conception, interpretation : Nadine Fuchs, Marco Delgado, Coco Petitpierre et Yvan Clédat
Sound design : Stéphane Vecchione
Light design :Yan Godat
Production : Delgado Fuchs, Association Goldtronics
Coproduction : far° Festival des arts vivants, Nyon (CH), Lausanne ; Arsenic - centre d’art scénique contemporain, Lausanne (CH), Le Centquatre, Paris (FR), Nanterre-Amandiers, Centre dramatique national
Support : Affaires culturelles de l’Etat de Vaud, Loterie Romande, Ville de Lausanne, Pro Helvetia – Fondation suisse pour la culture, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Nestlé – Fondation pour l’art, Migros Vaud.
Delgado Fuchs bénéficent d’une convention de subvention de l’Etat de Vaud de durée déterminée pour les années 2014 – 2016.
>> Download Presse: Le Temps, 2015, Alexandre Demidoff (PDF)
© 2015 Yvan Clédat